Greg, a native of Austin, Texas is an avid amateur astronomer who loves to share his knowledge of the heavens with the public through astronomy outreach in Northwest Arkansas. His goal is to pique the curiosity of both children and adults alike and inspire them to cultivate their interest in science and technology.
Greg became interested in astronomy at a young age and credits two of his science teachers for steering him onto a path that became a lifelong love of science and technology. During the fall of 1987 while on a seventh grade field trip to the Hudnall Planetarium and a star party thereafter, he took his first look through the eyepiece and has never since stopped his study of astronomy.
In July of 1992, Greg received his Amateur (Ham) Radio license and quickly became involved in AMSAT (amateur satellite) communications. During the summer of 1995 while studying Electronics Engineering at LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas, Greg made an unforgettable radio contact from his home with U.S. Astronaut Dr. Norm Thagard aboard the MIR Space Station. More recently (2010), Greg was able to make contact from his current home in Pea Ridge, Arkansas with Expedition 25 Commander Doug Wheelock aboard the International Space Station.
While living in Austin, Texas, Greg was a member of the Austin Astronomical Society where he assisted with the construction of the Eagle Eye Observatory near Burnet, Texas which was then the society’s club observatory. During public viewing sessions, Greg operated the 12.5 inch Harlan Smith Telescope (Newtonian) as well as the Ealing Educator Telescope, a 16 inch research-grade Cassegrain.
During the current COVID pandemic, Greg finds himself as a homeschool educator as he and his wife made the decision to pull their children out of public school, a decision that families across the nation have been forced to make during these unprecedented times. Greg is excited however, about this opportunity to teach astronomy and other sciences to his own children.
Greg also has an extensive background in weather. He was a severe weather damage surveyor for the Austin / San Antonio National Weather Service Forecast Office and a storm chaser for ABC TV as well NBC for nearly 20 years.